Hillwood Sunday

It has been a looooong but good day.

N got up early this morning and we hung out downstairs. A watched him while I took Lucky for a walk, and Daddy went running. Then Daddy came home and made lots and lots of pancakes. We had a nice breakfast with Grandma Dina, Grandpa Ron and Aunt Deb, and then the girls went off to Sunday School. While they were there, N took a nap and I went for a long run (8 miles – training is going well!). After I got home, we took a trip to Hillwood Museum, which we had NEVER been to before! It is lovely, and huge. We all had a good time there. See pictures below. After the museum we quickly pulled together a grilled pizza dinner. We made two – one with salami and tomato sauce and one with feta/kalamata olives/tomato sauce/basil. They were yummy!

Grandma and Grandpa headed back to PA and Deb went to her hotel in VA – she is here for a conference tomorrow. We all just watched TAR and are now very tired. It doesn't sound like that crazy of a day but it was just tiring. OH – and it is also our anniversary! We are going to celebrate next weekend.

So here are some pics!!












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