Holiday Weekend

Our weekend has been rather rainy. We’ve managed to have fun though. Yesterday we had brunch with Daddy’s friend Jonas – the one who is very very tall and whose stature has achieved mythic proportions in our house. We met Jonas and his girlfriend in Adams Morgan. Here are some photos taken by me, M and A.

Jonas1  Jonas2

Jonas4 Jonas3

Then we went to Trader Joe’s downtown and then to Daddy’s office. The girls ran all over the place, in and out of people’s offices. Daddy’s partner called and they answered Daddy’s phone and made themselves right at home.

After nap we went out to dinner with our friends Andrew, Katie and Asher. Then for ice cream and then to the bookstore.

Today we went to dance class, which went well until A stubbed her toe. Then M & A accompanied me to get my eyebrows waxed, which probably scarred them for life. ("Does it hurt, Mommy?" "Yes." "Now does it hurt?" "Yes." "NOW does it hurt?" "Yes." "Does it still hurt?" ‘Yes.")

Tonight we are going to Grampy’s for dinner and maybe for a swim if the weather holds.

Lots of time at home this weekend!!

A few things I wanted to blog about too:

  • I was driving the girls on Friday and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, M said, "If Buppie eats a treat, she will say, ‘Yumsville!’" (True.)
  • A spent a long time yesterday telling us about a movie that she saw with a girl in it who had a very, very large dog, though she claims it wasn’t a Clifford movie.
  • The girls were incredibly excited to see Jonas yesterday. Afterwards, they were a little disappointed that he wasn’t even taller than he was. They were expecting a demi-god, not a mere mortal.

Here are the photos I wasn’t able to upload on Friday. They are pictures taken at the Fourth of July parade (many taken by M) and of M & A at the outdoor fair in Silver Spring.

Parade1 Parade3 Parade4

Parade_2  Parade5 Parade7 Parade8_2


Nancy West says:

Regarding the “Yumsville!” remark: I’m convinced that one of the secret and subversive pleasures of having young children is that they can say things you can’t…about your parents. I myself have been known to urge my kids to use their childlike cuteness to point out to my mother weird things she does, things I could never get away with commenting on! (Though let me hasten to add that there was nothing in Gayle’s post that suggested her mother’s “Yumsville” habit bothered her…it just reminded me of situations in my own life!) Of course, the flip side of that is when your children repeat things to their grandparents that you did NOT mean for the grandparents to hear, which certainly happens as well!

Anonymous says:

Thank you for the lovely photos. All of you look great. M and A are so very beautiful. M has inherited her great grandfather Max’s lovely red hair. A has inherited her mother’s beautiful hair. They are both such dolls. It seems that all of you had a great 4th, with lots of friends and fun.

Debbie says:

Gayle: your M&A blog is still the very first thing I read every morning — I love it! I haven’t seen all of you in a long time, but feel I’m very much a part of the family!

Aunt Darrah says:

I see that M is wearing… orange crocs! She got the best of you! But they look very cute on her.

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