Holton Carnival!

I think the girls had a good day today.

It was Carnival at Holton Camp, which was so much fun. For some reason, it was much less hectic than prior years, probably because the girls had fewer performances to rush to.

First, we visited Cake Decorating, where we saw the girls' group cakes. A's class did the "dessert" cake and M's did the "circus" cake. The details on the cakes were amazing!





Then to Hollywood Film Production. We got DVDs of the movies the girls made, which we haven't watched yet. We did watch a trailer for a movie called Cloned, which is about… twins. Here is a screenshot:


Then we saw A's beautiful jewelry (the orange piece is a bracelet A made for M, and she made earrings for me and also for Imogene):




Then to see M's gimp projects. She made an awesome flag, a bracelet for me and one for A, and a few keychains. She has also been making lots of keychains at home.


Then off to Baking B to sample some REALLY yummy food the girls' class made, including Monkey Bread, French Bread, watermelon cookies, cowboy cookies, and more:


Then off to Sewing, where we saw M's shorts, scrunchie, strap bag, and pillows. She was later in a fashion show where she walked a runway and showed them off, which I caught on video:


After the fashion show, we went to A's Acting Stage II performance of "How To Succeed at Creative Summer Without Really Trying". She played a counselor. It was very good and she remembered all of her lines. Will upload the video later.

All in all it was a great summer at Holton and the girls did and learned some wonderful things.

After Carnival, we came home and got N, and then had a great BBQ dinner at Nana and Grampy's. Sarah is here for the summer and we got to spend time with her, which was great. I had to leave to get N home for bath and bed, so the girls stayed late and swam in the pool. They played charades in the pool! Grampy didn't get them home until 10:45.

Fun day and night!

Tomorrow the girls have agreed to let me go to boot camp at 8:30 and they will babysit N. After, we will go to the diner for breakfast and then to A.C. Moore. Summer fun continues!

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