
We are home. We have traded beautiful sunsets, unstructured days, and gorgeous weather for clean sheets, strong wi-fi, and a little beagle named Lucky. Both places have their benefits 🙂

It was a long day that started at the Embassy Suites in Miami (a very fancy hotel, A stresses, because it has an indoor waterfall) and took us through the horrible Miami airport and a delayed flight back to DC. Lots of schlepping around. Thanks to Grandma Sandy who met us in DC and drove our bags home, since precisely one of them fit in our car.

Poor N is still batling his cold and is sleeping very fitfully tonight. That is very much unlike him. Hopefully he won't wake up much overnight. Poor guy is sneezing and coughing and is very, very tired. He did make a lot of friends on the plane with his winning smiles.

The girls came home to some sweet clothes from Imogene, who left them here for them over break. They also got some great gifts from Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron: new nightgowns and PJs that match Olivia's and Sydney's (a Hanukah tradition) and some cool scarf/wrap things that they sell in Antarctica that you can wear in many ways. They also got some cute suction toothbrush holders for home. N got some pajamas too and a little stuffed polar bear.

Girls are home tomorrow, but I go back to work and have to wake up in about 6 1/2 hours. So I am off to bed. A few more pics from the trip:






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