Home Again, Home Again

We are all back home! Yay. Daddy got home from a week-long trip away today, and I was gone for 2 nights in LA. But we are all home and grateful to Imogene for taking such good care of the girls. They seemed just fine, and that they had a good time while we were gone. Daddy went to Egypt and brought back some pyramids for the girls, which they were excited about.

I was excited to show these pictures to the girls. Discovery had a big party last night out in LA, and greeting all the guests as they came in was Stanley, this two-month old giraffe:


This is how close I was standing to Stanley – amazing! Another:


Looking forward to a nice long weekend lots of time with the girls.

1 comment

a says:

I’m happy to read that all of you are well. How lucky that the girls have such a good caretaker (Imogene). It was interesting to read about mommy’s trip to LA and daddy’s trip to Egypt. Glad everyone is home (safe and sound), and together.
Aunt Ann

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