Home From My Trip Down Memory Lane

I am back from my tour of New England schools with Emily. We went to Brown yesterday, then drove to Harvard where I showed her HLS and what little I knew of the undergrad campus, and then Daddy gave us a tour of Tufts today. Brown students were in the middle of moving out of their rooms, Harvard undergrads were in the middle of exams, and Tufts seniors graduated today, so there were lots of people around on each campus and much activity. It was strange to be in the midst of graduation today and not have any emotional connection to anyone there – I felt kind of out of place, like I didn't belong there.

I think Emily liked all three schools, further complicating what is going to be a difficult process for her next fall. I know that she is going to have great options - it's just a question of which school appeals to her most. I have some pics that I will post tomorrow.

After we got home, we had dinner at Buppie's house with Tequila, who is in town again this weekend. We also played a very fun game of charades, which the girls enjoy a lot. M often starts her round by saying something like, "OK, I am big on top and skinny on the bottom, and I float." (a balloon), which sort of defeats the purpose of charades, which is to communicate a concept silently.

M said something very interesting tonight. She said, "I love the word 'azalea.'  It reminds me of a ballerina, and a twisty slide, and twisty noodles. Mostly, twisty noodles."

And A said, "You're not a good mom, Mommy – you're a super duper mom."


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