How about “blog” and “frog”?

I was home today so I got to go to ballet with the girls. They are the youngest in the class and it shows… they are just not ready for an hour-long class. By 45 minutes in, they are coming over to me and asking me how many minutes are left, if I can tie their shoes, etc. But they are just so cute in there. The teacher – "Miss Eve" — is very patient with the kids. The girls say her class is hard – she does push them to do some things they aren’t quite ready for yet.

The girls are really into rhymes. For about two hours straight tonight, M especially would say things like, "How about "dog" and "mog"? How about "night" and "bright"?" We keep telling them that they are really only rhymes if both words are actually words. So A’s suggestion of "necklace" and "decklace" wasn’t really a rhyme. M usually accepts it when we tell her it’s not a rhyme, while A will come up with a definition for the rejected word. Tonight she suggested "ribbit" and "dibbit". When I said that "dibbit" isn’t a word, she said that in fact, it is a frog who is green.

I asked the girls tonight if they know how much I love them. They said, "Yes, because you tell us all the time. Why do you keep telling us that? We know." That made me sad. M saw that I was sad, and then said that I could tell her as often as I wanted, as long as I used her name when I said it. Ok, I can do that.

Here are some photos from last Monday’s playdate with Virginia and Sofia and Alicia. It was an especially nice day, so we dined alfresco and enjoyed Amy’s delicious Italian cuisine. (Amy says she looks like Humpty Dumpty – I think she looks adorable. She’s got about 5 weeks to go.)

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