How Will I Fit In That Little Chair?

This will be a quick post. Tonight is Back to School Night, and then we are going out with some friends (also Lfayette parents) to celebrate one of their birthdays, so I may not have time to post tonight. We are looking forward to seeing the girls' classroom and learn more about their teacher and the school. We are also going to look into getting M some more speech therapy at Lafayette – she hasn't had any since early in the summer.

Last night, we did a project before bed: a sticker puzzle that each girl got as a party favor from one of the birthday parties this weekend. The night before, we made cards before bed – a party favor from Andrew's birthday. M asked if we could do a project every night, so we will, except for nights when I am not home or when we are out with the girls until late. I need to start coming up with projects! It's very relaxing to do projects with them after work, and I think it helps get them calmed down for bedtime without resorting to TV.

I will report back tomorrow on Back to School Night!

1 comment

a says:

How nice that you were able to visit M and A’s classroom. I’m sure the girls had lots of things to show you and tell you. I hope you found their teacher to be pleasant and capable. Projects to calm the girls before bedtime is a great idea.
Aunt Ann

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