Hullaballoo And Clarabelle Too

Lots to report today.

M's speech therapy session went well. She made a book with the therapist that talked about the parts of her face, like her ears and her mouth, and what they do. Next session, they will start working on making certain sounds. The best news is that all she missed of the regular day was snack. She didn't seem bothered by it.

Show Tell and Share went well. A brought a beaded starfish that we got as a gift from a benefit dinner we went to a few years ago. The three things she said: It is special. It is handmade. It is from Mommy and Daddy. M was going to bring Clarabelle (also known as Clarabelle Belle Bo Madeleine Eliza) but somehow, in the 15 minutes before leaving for school, Clarabelle got lost. (Clarabelle is a stuffed dog in a little purse that I bought for M in the Detroit airport). We have looked ALL over the house and we still haven't found her. A said she magiced Clarabelle, and I am beginning to think that she may be right. It is the oddest thing. So, instead, M brought a little Eiffel Tower that Daddy brought her from France. Her three things: It is from France. We are gong to Paris and Spain this summer. ["I forgot the third thing."]

The girls are loving the stuff we bought at the auction. M has been doing a workbook (she LOVES workbooks – it is so cute), and A has been coloring all of these princesses in a princess craft book. She draws beautiful dresses that she designs herself and she said all of the princesses in the book are me! Plus the girls love this game, which we also got at the auction and which we played for about a half an hour tonight:


1 comment

a says:

Clarabelle will turn up when you least expect it. Show and tell must be fun for M and A. They have so many great things to share that both mommy and daddy bring them. Lucky girls. It sounds like life is full of fun for them.
Aunt Ann

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