We are home right now, listening to the rain. Things aren't too bad here yet, but apparently Irene will hit tonight. So far it hasn't been as bad as expected. Daddy and I went to see a play tonight, thanks to Grandma Sandy who gave Daddy the tickets for his birthday and babysat the girls. We're glad we didn't cancel because the driving didn't end up being that bad.
Today the girls had haircuts – their first time ever having their hair washed at the salon. They needed cuts SO badly; A was upset about how much hair the stylist cut off, but she really needed it.
This afternoon was Jessie's spa birthday party. Yesterday I bought Jessie a birthday present, but the girls didn't see what it was because it was wrapped at the store. I said, well maybe you can stay late and Jessie can open it. M said, "I wish it was going to be one of those old fashioned birthday parties [like the ones Mommy went to when she was little] because they opened the presents during the party. Ah, I miss those days."
Allie – not so good.
I’m so glad that the hurricane wasn’t as bad as some people expected. I’m happy to know that all of you are well and safe. Tell Dan I wish him a happy birthday. I love M’s version of the “old fashioned” birthday parties. She’s great! Both girls are great!
Aunt Ann
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