I Am Back

I am back from my very short trip. The girls were happy to see me when I got home but everything went fine while I was gone. Today they had a clown at camp named Lula. The clown did a lot of impressive things, including juggling. I juggled three oranges for them tonight, and M said, "Wow. Did Buppie teach you how to do that?"

They also both had "tattoos" on, which were basically just face paint on their arms. This is a big step, because they have been afraid of tattoos for a long time, even when I tell them that the ones for kids don’t use needles and come right off. M had: a cherry, a star, an anchor and a heart. A had only a heart.

M has been taking a lot of pictures with the camera, and they are very good! I will upload some to the blog soon.

This weekend, I am going to Vegas for Aunt Darrah’s bachelorette party. I am very excited to go, but sad that that makes two trips this week. I will miss the girls a lot.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

M and A are so exceptional. They learn so quickly and are so clever with all sorts of things, and they are kind and considerate of each other. Not many children are this way, but they have a great mommy and daddy from whom they learn all sorts of good things.

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