Report Card Day

I am back from Detroit. Poor A has a bad cold and maybe an ear infection. We are going to take her to the doctor tomorrow AM.

We had parent/teacher conferences today. Here are the notes we got from M & A’s teachers:

M walks confidently into the classroom, eager to see her friends. During a typical morning, M shows a wide range in her exploration of the room. She goes to the manipulative area and plays with the little blocks. She uses her well-developed fine-motor manipulatioon skills to make long and colorful necklaces. M likes to participate in sensory activities, such as play dough and playing with the materials at the sensory table, and demonstrates a strong ability to focus on the task at hand.  M is able to use her language to share information and to express her needs and wants clearly at school. She often shares interesting family experiences with us, like, "We went to the playgrond and we shared the bike!" It is a real pleasure having M in the class!

A often starts her day at the art table. She is an enthusiastic participant in our art projects. She uses different tools, such as brushes, feathers, corncobs, and her own hands for creative expression.  She finds great pleasure exploring the sensory bins, pouring, sifting and scooping beans, cornstarch and pasta. She fully immerses herself in the activities and remains focused and thoughful in her work. In our dramatic play area, A dresses up as a princess and has fun trying on different hats. She enjoys "preparing food" and "talking on the phone."  A very verbal little girl, A loves chatting with her friends. She is also very empathetic. She is not only willing to give up a toy for a peer, she also will go over on her own to a child who is upset and try to comfort him or her.  A often asks to be read stories in the book corner.  Her favorite ones are Sammy Spider’s First Hanukkah and Sammy Spider’s First Shabbat.  She expresses her needs and wants to her teachers well. A’s warm smile brightens our day!


Debbie Wager says:

Gayle: I just want to know that the M&A blog is still the first thing I read in the morning! It is absolutely delightful.

Anonymous says:

What wonderful “report cards” both M and A received. Of course I think they are exceptional little girls in every way.

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