Back from Girls’ Weekend

I am back from NY! I had a very fun weekend with my college friends. While I was gone, Daddy and the girls had a very busy weekend. Birthday party, ballet, and Kennedy Center yesterday, plus a playground jaunt (see pics below), and Sunday School today. I was back in town by 4 though, so I got to spend some time with M & A today. They seemed like they had a great time, and they enjoyed the t-shirts and ring-pops I brought back from Dylan's Candy Bar.

Big thanks to Daddy for letting me have a weekend with my friends! We realized that the four of us hadn't been in the same room since my wedding in 2001.

Here are pics of the younger girls:



And here are the older girls:




1 comment

a says:

Thanks for the great photos. Can’t write much at this time.
Aunt Ann

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