Trike Ride

I am tired.

Long but fun day. We saw two sets of baby twins this morning – one set who was having a joint bris/naming (talk about stressful for the parents) and one set who was born very premature in April but who are both safely at home. The girls enjoyed seeing the babies.

After nap, we went trike-riding in the park. The girls did great. Their parents were remiss in not bringing the brand new bike helmets that we have in the basement (why??) but thankfully we didn’t have any major spills. M pointed out multiple times that all the other kids had helmets on.

Then pizza, then home, then bathbabasbooksblanketsbrushteethbed.


Here are some videos from the biking extravaganza. The green tricycle is one that Grandma and Grandpa R&D brought from NY, which Daddy and Aunt Darrah and Aunt Deb learned to ride on. M loves it. A rode the "colors" one.

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