Home Again, Home Again

I returned from my trip to Detroit today. It was very good to see M&A after two days away. After I got home, they came with me to walk Allie. Then they had "dinner" (they aren’t eating much these days), and we went to the diner for ice cream. M had vamilla (not a typo) and A had chocolate. It was very cute – at one point they decided to try each other’s ice cream, so A got up and went over to M and they fed their ice cream to each other like a bride and groom giving each other cake. Then, when A’s ice cream was a soupy mess in her bowl, and I told them it was time to go home, M asked if we could take the rest of A’s ice cream home.

The girls have some cute mispronunciations:

  • "mountain" instead of "fountain"
  • "vamilla" instead of "vanilla"
  • "dragon" instead of "wagon"
  • "slippers" instead of "flippers"
  • "opameal" instead of "oatmeal"
  • "A-plane" instead of "airplane"

Books tonight: Planting a Rainbow and ABCs from Hawaii. The cute thing about ABCs from Hawaii was that while we were reading it, M asked if Christina and Mikey live in Hawaii. I couldn’t understand why they would ask that, until I remembered C&M brought the girls the book back from their Hawaiian honeymoon in April. M remembered where the book came from and asked if C&M live there. How smart! Of course, in her next breath, she asked (as she always does) whether Christina is the girl or the boy.

1 comment

Daddy says:

And my personal favorite mispronunciation: “Mise” — as in, “That’s not yours, it’s MISE!”

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