Back to School Night

I was very tired last night and didn’t get a chance to post, so here is a post for 2 days.

Last night was Back to School Night at the girls’ school. I love BTSN – I love seeing where they are during the days, getting to know their teachers better, talking to the other parents. We got to make drawings with the girls’ names on it that will turn into placemats for their Shabbat celebrations on Fridays. We also saw a slide show, with the rest of the parents at the school, that has at least one photo of each kid. The photos of M & A were beautiful.

Something funny we learned: the teachers asked each kid to say what they thought was inside the class pumpkin. A said "candy" and M said "little pumpkins." Also each kid was to name their favorite fruit, and both M & A said "watermelon".

Tonight after work, the girls were in rare form. A few funny things:

1) I asked M what she thought Allie (the little red dog) was thinking about, and M looked at her and said, "bad breath." When I laughed, she said, "I’m going to type that on my blog!"

2) Last night, I told A that i neeed to cut her fingernails and toenails. As usual, this is a major negotiation. She said, "tomorrow, when it’s dark." So tonight I reminded her that I needed to cut her nails.  She said, "No, next summer. " (!!). In the end she let me cut one nail on each foot and toe. I guess this will be a five-night process.

Books tonight: Annabelle and Peek-a-zoo.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

I love reading your blogs. M and A are so adorable.

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