Balloon Dilemma

I went to Shabbat Sing at the girls’ school today. This takes place every Friday about a half an hour before they get out of school. All of the kids go upstairs to a small auditorium where they sing and dance around. It’s very cute and joyous. This is the first time I have gone, though I (our nanny) goes most Fridays. Most of the moms go too, I noticed (*guilt**guilt**guilt*). When I walked in the door, A got a HUGE smile on her face and sat on my lap during most of the Sing. M danced around, mostly with Abigail and Jessica. Lots of Jewish songs.

I went to Trader Joe’s today and, like every week, I brought home balloons for the girls. I always bring home 4 balloons – two for each. Usually, I get a variety of colors, thinking that they can then pick the ones they want when I get home (always one orange balloon for M). This strategy often backfires, because M takes the orange one and then they fight over the other 3.  So today I thought I would outsmart them, so I got two orange balloons and two purple balloons, thinking that they’d each get an orange/purple set and that there wouldn’t be any fighting. 

I was wrong.

After I got home and the balloons had been played with for a while, A fussed and cried, saying that M had HER set of orange/purple balloons. Of course, I had no way to know whose was whose. It would have been easier with 4 different colors.



Anonymous says:

Very cute tale. The girls have their own ideas about things. How very grown up.

rachel says:


Teha says:

Also, getting the girls the same color balloons is encouraging that matching-twins thing that you can’t stand. Better to stick with 4 different colors and make them duke it out 🙂

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