I Wrote It Down!

Ok, so today the girls said/did several funny things both when they woke up and as soon as I got home from work, and I wrote them down!

First, I got out of the shower and heard through the monitor that the girls were up. I went to their room, and the light was on with the door closed. They were in there getting themselves dressed! What big girls!

When I walked in, M started dancing around, singing, "It’s fall today! It’s fall! YAY!" She was so happy.

Then M said, "I was dreaming about a Wiggles concert, and they were playing a song that I liked!"

Then A said, "I am going to be a seal who can balance a ball on her nose. And then when I am 10 I am going to be a clown in the circus with a funny hat."

When I got home, the girls had brought in some branches with leaves attached. A picked them up and said, "These are Baby’s pompoms!" and she jumped around like a cheerleader, shaking them.

I told A that I had a surprise for her (a replacement for some window decals I got her last week, of which the cleaning woman had thrown away a few). She said, "Talkie walkies???" (We have some walkie talkies that don’t work and I keep promising to buy them another set.).

Then the girls wanted to watch something on TV, and M wanted "Wheel of Fortune" (she loves the letters) and A wanted "Hip Hop Harry." So they were shouting, alternatively, "Wheel of Fortune!" "Hip Hop Harry" "Wheel of Fortune!" "Hip Hop Harry!" over and over.

Finally, I said that I was writing down the funny things that the girls were saying. And A said, "Baby J’s poop! Say that I was talking about Baby J’s poop!"

So I will say that A was talking about Baby J’s poop.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Dear Mommy, you certainly are on “top” of things with the girls. No wonder they love you so much.
Aunt Ann

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