Impromptu Trip to NY

So, we were supposed to go to PA to visit Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron over the weekend. Due to all of the snow we got on the East Coast last week, we had to change our plans because they were unable to return to their home from NY due to too much snow in their driveway, etc. So we changed plans and went to NY for the weekend instead and stayed with them up near Columbia.

It was a jam-packed and fun weekend! We drove up on Saturday through some snow flurries, which was a bit stressful. Also stressful was N's double puking along the way. But we made it there in one piece and with no other incidents. We went out to dinner soon after we got there. N was a little cranky and overtired (no napping in the car) so he wasn't too pleased to hang out and eat. We walked home with him while M&A stayed at dinner with R&D. He enjoyed seeing all the bikes ("BIKE!") and even sat on one at one point.

Saturday night, the girls played Taboo with Grandma and Grandpa and eked out a narrow victory.

N continued his power sleeping while we were there- waking up at 10:20 on Saturday AM, 10:15 on Sunday AM, and 9:00 today (only because we woke him up).

On Sunday, we all went to the Planetarium and met up with Darrah and Jason and Sydney and Eden. N took an immediate liking to Sydney and held her hand the whole time. That was adorable. We saw a movie called Dark Matter that none of us understood, but which the under-5 set did a good job of sitting through.

In the afternoon, Grandma and Grandpa took the girls to see Matilda, which they LOVED. They had a great time. What a treat! And in the evening, they babysat so that Daddy and I could go out to dinner and to the Strand, which of course made me very happy.

Also – Daddy and I took N on the subway after his nap so that we could make a quick trip to Zabar's. He didn't LOVE the subway, but he didn't mind it too much either.

Today, we got an earlier start (ha!) and went to the Childrens Museum of Manhattan. It was extremely crowded, but N had fun, and loved seeing his cousins again.

After the museum, we headed back to the apartment and packed up to leave. A short trip but a lot of fun and very memorable! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for a great and special time.




Holding hands at the museum:


A gaggle of cousins:


N's first subway ride:


Driving a bus:


A sunny day on the Columbia quad:


Happy grandparents and grandchildren:



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