I am back from BlogHer! Had a good trip to San Diego, but I'm glad to be home. We have a lot to do to get ready for our trip to Europe on Tuesday. I've started packing the girls' stuff, and have dealt with the stuff that takes a lot of thought, like games/toys and videos. But there is still a ton to do before we leave on Tuesday afternoon.
The girls had a good few days while I was gone. They had their performance on Friday, which was amazing, by all accounts. Daddy, Grandma, Nana, Nana and Emily all went to see it, and said it was really good. A had a little solo, which she did a great job with. I am sad that I missed it. Levine Camp offers a DVD, so I will get to see it – I can't wait.
Then Daddy took the girls camping yesterday with a group of other dads who take their kids every year. When I got home, he said that the girls were very dirty from camping, sunblock, hiking and swimming in the lake, which sounds like a very packed 24 hours. They slept in a tent and ate hot dogs and "hobo's stew" and s'mores, and did animal trivia games and read some books. That's pretty much what I gleaned… Daddy took some pictures which I will try to upload tomorrow.
Off to bed – got about 4 hours of sleep last night so I am beat!
Thanks for this great blog. I will miss all of you when you are away, but I hope you have a marvelous time in Europe. I love all of you.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann
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