Inappropriate Pajamas

Someone at work asked me today, "So what are the girls doing at school?" I answered, "I have no idea." Because I don't. They go off to school for more than 6 hours a day, and I have no idea what they do when they are there. Tonight, I asked a lot of questions – "are you learning anything?" "did you read stories" "did you work on letters?", and I still got only a very shadowy sense of what goes on all day in kindergarten. I DO know that one boy was in the yellow zone today, but got put back in green. (Apparently he hit someone, but she didn't cry.) I learned that the same boy touched M's rest pad twice and she asked him not to. I learned that very few kids get hot lunch, and that M&A are very happy with their lunches and snacks, though A wants me to buy something that sounds like cheese puffs.

I also know that the girls seem very happy about school. Imogene says they bound out of the building every day at 3:15 with big smiles on their faces. Imogene also asked the teacher today how they were doing, and she said they were both doing well.

At night, around 7:30, the girls must hit some sort of a wall, because they get very, very silly. I think they are just really tired. Better silly than hitting each other – at least that's what Uncle Jonathan and I used to say when our own "after dinner silliness" drove our parents crazy.

We read a few books tonight – a few stories from the George and Martha collection, and If You Take A Mouse To A Movie, which was disappointing and, surprisingly, about Christmas. Last night we read The Bumpy LIttle Pumpkin, which I like because it's about a girl who picks the smallest, ugliest pumpkin she can find at the pumpkin patch, to her older sisters' dismay.

Tonight, both girls changed out of their summer PJs into long-sleeve PJs for no reason. M wanted to wear a new pair that Buppie brought over on Monday in honor of the first day of school, and A put on a pair of size 4 footed PJs that are perfect for the dead of winter. (It's not even Labor Day yet.) I tried briefly to convince her to take them off, but she insisted that she was comfortable in them. About 10 minutes later, she said, "These are TOO HOT" and took them off. Laissez faire – it works!

1 comment

a says:

This is a great newsy blog. I really enjoyed reading about the girls at school. It was cute to read about the girls and their pajamas. It’s good to know that M and A seem to be enjoying kindergarten. They were well prepared for regular school, thanks to their mommy and daddy. You are both such great parents.
Aunt Ann

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