Inauguration Day!

Today was a good but very tiring day. We stayed home in the morning and watched the inauguration on TV – the swearing-in, the speeches, the performances. Then we bundled up and headed to the metro to go downtown for the parade. We hung out at Grampy's office for a while, until the President had started in his motorcade. Daddy and M&A then left to try to see the parade from Pennsylvania Avenue, but got stuck in a very slow ticket line. Grampy and N and I watched Barack and Michelle walk down the street, out of the limo, which was fun. The girls missed Obama, sadly, but they caught Biden and some of the bands.

It was a slow ride home on the Metro but all went fine, and we had a quiet night at home. Daddy is playing a long game of Monopoly with the girls. N hasn't been sleeping well – he goes down and then cries intermittently for the next few hours. It is exhausting. So we're very tired!

I have a few pics from today that I will upload tomorrow. Here is an image from today (not mine, of course!):

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