Issues With Typepad

There are some major issues with the blog right now.

First, no one is getting alerts about new posts. Is anyone even reading this sentence right now?

Second, I am having a terrible time posting photos. It just gets worse and worse. I have to upload each photo individually, multiple times, before it will stick. This has been the case for a few years now and it's getting more and more frustrating.

And third – worst of all – the service I use to create the blog book every year can't do it anymore. They get an error with Typepad and they have no solution. 

So I am at a bit of a crossroads. I am going to look into migrating the whole blog – since 2008! – to WordPress. This is a huge undertaking and I will have to find someone to do it for me. I am terrible at this type of thing.

So stay tuned.

In the meantime, we've all been in far flung areas of the world but we're slowly coming back together. Dad returns from Europe tomorrow after 10 days away. M returns from Africa to Princeton on Thursday after 2.5 weeks away. A is in LA and will stay there, and I am back from a few days gone in NY and am home for the next few weeks. Whew!

N's life was taken over by Quiz Bowl over the weekend. He did a great job competing – the best 6th grader at GDS – and is loving it. Tomorrow is his first Geography Club meeting at lunch. He is hoping to get a good turnout.

It was 17 when I got up this AM but was in the mid 30s by the afternoon. Balmy!

Ok, bed.

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