It Takes A Village

I am not that sad to close the door on this day. It was a perfect storm: I had to go to NY for a meeting; Daddy is out of town; M is sick; the girls have ballet; I didn't sleep much at all last night because the girls were up a lot; and Grandma Sandy had cataract surgery. Thank god for Imogene! She took M to the doctor today (M doesn't hve strep, which is what I feared) and she drove the girls to ballet. A went to and from school with her friend Emily, and Emily Ellis picked up the girls at ballet and brought them home. I was home by 8:15 and got to see N before he went down.

We are all exhausted.

Here are some cute videos of the girls trying to get N to crawl on their new carpet, and of A playing the part of the Rat King from The Nutcracker.




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