Fall Cleaning

It’s Friday.

This AM I brought the girls to school and thought maybe I’d try curbside dropoff. Like drive-up banking, it’s better in theory than in practice. When the girls realized that I was contemplating NOT walking them in to their classroom, they were not happy. But when they realized that I was getting back into my car without them (for the sole purpose of moving it up a few feet, out of the dropoff lane, as I had given up on curbside dropoff at this point), well, all hell broke loose. A freaked out so badly that she spent the next 20 minutes sobbing and wailing, "I want to go home." It took much comforting and the lure of making fruit kabobs in the classroom to get her calm. Let’s just say I won’t be attempting curbside dropoff again anytime soon.

I also cleaned out the girls’ closet today. I hate doing that. Not because it’s tedious – it is – but because I hate acknowledging that another season has passed and that the girls have gotten bigger. It makes me really sad. I find it incredibly difficult to put away their favorite clothes… perhaps never to be worn again in our household.

Girls were very tired tonight – no nap. Lots of tears. At one point A was crying so loudly that M started crying too, just because she was so upset that A was crying. Aaah… parenthood. At that moment, like the appearance of a guardian angel, Buppie/Grandma S unexpectedly walked in the door. Thank god.

I bought the girls some booster seats for our upcoming trip to Florida (more on that soon). A said she doesn’t want that seat, she wants the one in Mommy’s car.

Some other funny things:

  • Yesterday, I made a prepared entree – chicken in marsala sauce. A looked at the sauce and said, "What kind of ketchup is that?"
  • Tonight in the bath, M asked me, "Can I ask you a favorite? Can you put this basket back?"
  • Today, M asked me if we could look for Clifford costumes online. Thank god she did – my ebay auction for a Clifford costume was ending in 20 minutes. We won it!

Gymnastics tomorrow. Apple picking on Sunday.

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