July 4

Here's what's been going on around here. It's the 4th of July – a grey, rainy day for the most part. A has been at a friend's birthday party since 1PM (it is now 9). M had her LAST day of Debate Seminar. She is SO happy to be done. En route home from Georgetown, we stopped at SugarLab and she got this massive ice cream cone:



It hasn't felt too much like July 4 today, but last night we watched the Chevy Chase Club fireworks at the end of the street. Sarah and Hannah came over, as did Herm and Katie and Dr. Fink. After the fireworks, M and A and Hannah went in the pool. It was cute to see them floating and chatting in the water. The fireworks were pretty, not TOO loud, and you can't beat the convenience.




Yesterday, when M and I were driving home from Georgetown, the sky was unbelievably gorgeous. We took a ton of pics and even drove around the Cathedral just to catch the light:



Daddy and N are in Shohola with the extended Feldman clan. We leave tomorrow afternoon and will drive to RDV as soon as A is finished with her camp day. We are looking forward to seeing everyone!

Finally, here is the artwork that N brought home from Sidwell, from his Art and Painting classes. So cute. I'll have N annotate them later when I see him. M and I have our own theories of what they are…






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