July Weekend

We've hit that part of the summer that feels like deep summer, not the start and not the end. A's program ended on Friday, which she is sad about because she enjoyed the kids a lot. Sounds like the content itself was just OK. M is plugging away at her program and is working on her internship. A has also been doing some of the personal organizing work. Her nose surgery is on Thursday and tomorrow she will start some prep for it – supplements, etc.

N starts his second two-week session of Sidwell camp tomorrow. Today he went to his first baseball game that wasn't at Nats Park. We saw the Orioles take on the White Sox and we had great seats. It was very, very hot but it ended up being a good game. Sox won!






Otherwise, a pretty uneventful weekend. The girls have seen a range of friends and had lots of plans. 

Tomorrow is Lucky's appointment with the oncologist. Hopefully he'll get a dose of chemo tomorrow and will start feeling better. The steroids are helping but he is clearly suffering. Poor little pup.

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