
N left for camp yesterday. So sad! We took him to the airport early in the AM and Dad took him to the gate. There were a lot of other CN boys on the plane and they arrived on time and without incident.

We got this photo from Adam later in the day when N got to Minneapolis.

M is having people over today to celebrate her friend’s new citizenship. How cute are her decorations?

It is very hot here.

Finally here is an email that N’s baseball coach sent out to the team today:

Reds families,

Despite being down to just 4 Reds along with 5 subs from other MCLL teams, the Reds almost pulled out Sunday’s district semi-final in Thurmont, losing 5-4.  Since most of you were unable to make it, here’s a recap of some highlights:

We were playing the Thurmont Nationals, one of two Thurmont teams in the TOC.  (The Nationals finished 2nd, but won the tournament of 2nd-place teams to get a spot in the TOC.)  The Nationals had really good pitching on Sunday and held us scoreless for 4 innings.  The Reds got great pitching from Parker for 4 innings, backed up by great defense, but we trailed 5-0 after 4 innings.  

Nate Feldman held the Nationals scoreless in the 5th.  One of our Subs, John Paul Sloan, singled in the bottom of the 5th then stole 2nd, 3rd, and home to get us our first run.  We trailed 5-1 after 5.  

Nate F. again held the Nationals scoreless in the 6th, striking out the last two batters.  Sam, Calder, and Nate H. loaded the bases to start the bottom of the 6th. This finally forced Thurmont to make a pitching change.  With one out, Parker singled to drive in Sam. (5-2)  Next John Paul doubled to drive in Calder and Nate H. (5-4)  A great throw from the outfield forced Parker to stay at 3rd. With two outs a walk to Oskar loaded the bases again.  A very high called 3rd-strike ended the game on the next batter, our 9th batter of the inning.

So close.  What an effort by Parker and Nate F. to hold Thurmont to 5 runs.  The Reds seem to rally when Tim McCabe showed up to cheer us on from the dugout during the game.

Thanks to everyone that made the trek to Thurmont on Saturday and Sunday!

Safe travels to everyone that’s been out of town.  Hope to see everyone soon.

– Drew

N should be very proud of his performance on Sunday. I sent this email to him at camp.