Kitchen Soup Sunday

I haven't posted in a few days, since Thursday night, so this will be a catch-all post.

On Friday night Daddy had a camp reunion at our house. The girls were very excited for it, and, I think, ultimately disappointed by the party, which ended up being a bunch of guys standing around and talking. But they did a great job taking people's coats and stacking them on the piano bench. They also made a tent in their bedroom and attempted to sleep in it, though that lasted only about 10 minutes.

Saturday – ballet in the morning, for the first time in weeks. They came bounding out and said, "That was a great class!"

Today was a very busy day. Sunday school this morning, then to a magic birthday party for Aidan. When I picked up the girls, A was wearing a magician's hat and Harry Potter glasses. She was very excited about the magic and the outfit, and has been doing magic ever since. We had a fun dinner at Nana and Grampy's, and A put on a magic show when we got there. M also had another needlepoint lesson from Nana – her pillow is really coming along!

Daddy is away in the Middle East for a week. He left last night. The girls are very curious about what time it is where he is, what it's like, etc.

One thing the girls brought home from school on Friday – they had to write on a star what their wish was for the world. M's wish was for her nanny to have a house. A's was for the earth to take care of the tree that was being taken down in our backyard.

Another week starts up again… though this is a four day week – no school on Friday.

1 comment

a says:

How cute that the girs helped with daddy’s camp reunion. I’m sure M and A loved the magic birthday party. Wishing on a star is always fun, and the girls mastered it. I send all of you my love, hugs and kisses.
Aunt Ann

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