Labor Day Wrapup

We've had a fun Labor Day weekend since the aborted sleepover on Saturday night.

Yesterday, we hung out at home in the morning and I went for a longish run, and then we headed out to the Bethesda pool. It wasn't that hot, and it also wasn't very crowded – a nice note to end the summer on. We ran into M & A's classmate Jessie, and hung out with her and her dad and sister quite a bit. Then last night, we had dinner at Catherine's house with some other parents from TSNS. There were 5 couples and 10 kids. It was summery and fun. The highlight was at the end of the night when all 10 kids went into the backyard, as the sun was setting, and put on a talent show and then danced endlessly to "Dancing Queen" on the house speakers. Lots of carefree, young energy and a perfect holiday night.

Today, we woke up and made cookies for a dinner we were going to tonight. Then we worked on M & A's homework assignment – collages about themselves. We cut up a bunch of magazines and cannibalized some things in the house (a Goldfish package, A's piano lesson book, M's Peel and Stick set) in order to find appropriate content for the collages. I am happy to report that they are done and in the girls' backpacks.

Next we went swimming at "Grampy's pool," which the girls have wanted to do for a while now. They love that pool. It wasn't hot or sunny, but thankfully the pool is set at bathwater, so it was quite pleasant. We hung out at Grampy's for a bit and then headed home. Final stop for the day was a dinner at a friend's house from high school. There were lots of other kids there and M & A had fun, especially when the night ended with a screening of "Hannah Montana" the movie.

Tomorrow it's back to the K routine of lunches and waking up early!

1 comment

a says:

It sounds like you had a perfect end of summer and Labor Day weekend. How nice that M and A are such special girls that you can take them anywhere and they seem to enjoy it all. Please give them a BIG hug and kiss from me.
Aunt Ann

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