Lafayette Update

Some exciting developments out of Lafayette:

1) On Tuesday, the students all wore red, white and blue in honor of a visit from the French ambassador (?), who came to honor the return of the bust of Lafayette to the school (?). I am sure there are some inaccuracies in that sentence, but suffice it to say, someone from the embassy came because a bust of someone French that must have once been at the school was returned. There was lots of excitement about this.

2) M has decided she would like the OPTION to order hot lunch sometimes. This is a big step. I put $20 on each of the girls' accounts at the cafeteria, so they can buy lunch, or chocolate milk, if they want. I figure, they aren't eating the lunches I make them, so if they will eat whatever is served there, that's better than nothing. I just don't want to make lunch AND have them buy hot lunch, so we will have to make a decision the night before.

3) We bought a morning announcement on May 7, which will be read over the loudspeaker to the whole school. I can't wait.

4) Next Thursday night is Arts Night – the kids will display art and sing some songs they have been working on.

I love Lafayette!

1 comment

a says:

It sounds like the school is celebrating good things, and the girls are excited about them. Arts Night should be fun for M and A. They are so talented and they love to sing. Best wishes girls!
Aunt Ann

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