Last Day of London

So it's 2024, and I haven't posted since we were in London, which was only three days ago but feels like longer.

Here is what we did on our last day in London!

N and M and Dad went to the Churchill War Rooms, which they thought was very cool! Then they walked through Portobello Market and back to Toby's and then to dinner with Ben Miller and his family in Kensington, at a Polish restaurant.

I went on a long walking tour through the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, South London (Southwark), Borough Market, Globe Theater, Millenniun Bridge, St. Paul's, and back up to the tube. Then I met A and we walked through Portobello Market and Notting Hill, then to Chelsea to go shopping and see where Delphi lives, and then we walked and met everyone for dinner. Long day, but fun.

We came home on Monday, stayed up late enough to go to the British Embassy for a black tie party (or a Sidwell party if you're A).

Now we are back to reality — N went back to school today, and A returns to LA tomorrow (so sad!). We get M for a few more days.

Tomorrow I promise to post pics!


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