Last Day of School!

It's official – we have two third graders in the house! Today was M&A's last day of school. They had a half day. When we picked them up, I heard kids shouting, counting down "10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1", and then M's class came pouring out, her teacher dancing a happy end-of-school dance. It was really cute. 

After school, they had a playdate with their friend Charlotte and then a piano lesson. Tonight, we are hanging out watching "Tootsie" with them. They think it is very funny!

And check out these awesome report cards. They both got all 4s (the highest) in every subject, and here are the comments:

A: "I am happy and yet sad to see A move on to third grade. She is definitely ready, but I'm not. I will miss her terribly! She has accomplished so much academically and socially. I'm very proud of her and look forward to seeing her around Lafayette next year. Have a great summer!"

M: "What will I do without my M conversations?! I will miss you and your 'newfound' silly side. Come back and visit next fall and bring brother N."

Here are last day of school photos:



Daddy got the girls matching pearl and heart necklaces to commemorate the Captain's birth (since pearl is his birthstone). Here they are:


The Captain is doing well. He was much easier last night. Up a few times to eat, but easy to get back to sleep. He slept in his Moses basket in his crib in HIS room for almost the whole night. He's an easy baby so far.

Here are some recent pictures.

Us eating dinner last night:


Welcome home note from M:


Welcome home note from A:


N's first bath:




So many more cute pics to share.

Bris tomorrow!

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