There is so much happening at this time of year that it is hard to process it all. Today was the last full day of school for the girls. They have a half-day on Monday that I think most kids are blowing off. They had a fun, easy day today, and brought home some excellent report cards. We are so proud of them. Here's what they say:
A had an outstanding first grade year. She also made excellent progress in math. She is a good friend to all. I enjoyed having A in my class. Have a great summer and keep reading!
(Apparently, in class today Ms. Baldwin gave every kid a certificate, and said something about him/her. About A, she said, "She is a good friend and always has a smile on her face.")
M has had an excellent first grade year. She has continued to grow as a reader and is consistently reading well above grade level. In math she excelled as well and easily grasped the concepts taught. M has worked very hard this year and I have enjoyed working with her.
What amazing girls we have!
I had a fun day as well. I volunteered a local animal shelter as part of Discovery's Impact Day, where everyone in the company spent the day volunteering somewhere in the city where they work. We washed windows and shined the metal around all of the cat and dog "rooms". Then we stuffed adoption packets, then we had lunch, and THEN we were allowed to pet and play with dogs. So much fun. Here's me with a seven-week old puppy:
I also spoke on a digital media conference about Facebook in the afternoon. (I did a Superman-like change of clothes in the hotel bathroom.) It was a full day!
Off to bed.
Congratulations to both M and A on a job-well-done in school. Actually both mommy and daddy are to be congratulated on raising such wonderful young ladies. Mommy, it was so nice that you volunteered to help animals.
Aunt Ann
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