Last Days of Seven

We had QUITE a weekend! Wow. Where to start?

Saturday was the day of the Lafayette Spring Fair. I had a bat mitzvah to go to in the morning, so I dropped the girls off at ballet and Daddy picked them up and took them to the fair. I met them there a few hours later. Daddy was waiting in a VERY long line for the trapeze/bungee jump ride, which took waaaay too long. But they eventually were able to do it, which they loved. I took a lot of pictures of them doing flips and other acrobatics. As soon as M got off the ride, she went to baseball practice, and A and I hung out at the fair. She did a few games and picked out a VERY exciting prize – a frog shaped gumball machine. M returned to the fair after her practice and she got a water shooter thing that she was very excited about.

Last night Daddy and I went to a bat mizvah reception and the girls had Julia B. babysit. Sometimes it feels more like a playdate than a babysit when Julia comes – they did makeovers and painted her nails – but all seemed to go well. We didn't stay out late so it was an early night for her!

Today was a marathon day! This morning the girls were awoken by Lucky barking at the Peapod deliverywoman, over and over and over again. Not sure what was freaking him out so much because we were clearly OK with her being here. Anyway, the girls got up and we made cupcakes for A's class tomorrow. (M wants to wait to bring blondies in to her class until Thursday because her teacher is out tomorrow). They went off to Sunday School and Daddy and I ran errands. Then M had a baseball game and played really well – a lot of plays and two really good hits. Grampy came to cheer her on and we had a philosophical discussion about the most important players on a baseball team.

After the game, it was time for a very exciting event: M&A's first piano recital! It was at Grandma Sandy's house, and she invited a bunch of her friends to come and hear M&A play 10 pieces each. They also did a duet and A sang a song, "Tomorrow", while Grandma Sandy accompanied her. It was ADORABLE. The girls did a fantastic job. They weren't nervous, and they performed beautifully. Everyone was so impressed with them. We are very proud of them.

And many thanks to their piano teacher, Grandma Sandy, who put on a beautiful recital today. She made a nice dinner for everyone, and individual birthday cakes for the girls, and she was so proud of them too. She's been a wonderful teacher and she takes such pride in the girls. Her friends loved the performance too – one even asked if we could do it semiannually! Thank you to Grandma Sandy for a very special event.

So while it was an exhausting weekend, it was a lot of fun and one that we have looked forward to for a long time. I will upload pics tomorrow!


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