Last Night In Paris

One more post before we leave. Today we did a looong bus tour in an open air bus that lets you get on and off, which was fun but tiring. We went to the Champs Elysees and L'Arc de Triomphe, around Trocadero and the Eiffel Tower, and saw more of the downtown/monuments/touristy areas. Also checked out Ste. Chapelle before getting on the bus – still one of my favorite places in Paris. W ethen caught another bus and did a northern tour, up near Montmartre and then down Blvd de Magenta to Blvd St. Denis. We had dinner at the apartment of some old friends of Daddy's, which was fun. Long day, though!

We have to leave early tomorrow AM (well, early by our standards), and will amuse ourselves all day as we await our evening train to Spain.

So sad to leave Paris, as I love it here.  The sounds, the crowds, the streets, the boulangeries. It's also just very easy to travel around here. Mais, j'aime l'Espagne aussi – y vamos a pasar una semana buena en Espana tambien!!

Will post when I can!

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