Late Night

Tonight was a pretty unusual night. A and N were home with Imogene. Daddy came home at 8. I got home at 10:15 following a work dinner in VA. And M came home at 10:20 after going to see Cinderella the ballet with Grandma Sandy. So we all converged at home on the stairs at 10:20, when M came home and after N woke up crying, which he does almost every night 2 hours after he goes to bed. It was kind of funny – we were all on the stairs chatting and cooing at N.

A read for 70 minutes today and M finished Half Magic (our December book club book and her fantasy book report book for this month). Lots of good reading going on in the house! (And I am close to finishing MY book, which is a rare occurrence these days!)

It's late and thankfully everyone is now sleeping except for me. 🙂

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