Late Rehearsal

Tonight the girls had a very late rehearsal – 7-9 PM. They didn't get home until almost 10. And because they got a ride to the rehearsal with someone whose call time was even earlier, they spent a lot of time there. We packed them snacks and diversions (books and games) and they came home cranky but not THAT cranky. We are all looking forward to a few days of not waking up that early – tomorrow is the last day of school before Thanksgiving break.

I am sad to report that A missed her Notebusters concert tonight. The rehearsal was too important to miss. I am proud of her for making a very mature decision, and am sad that she didn't get to sing and that we didn't get to go hear the Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston songs that she has been rehearsing for months. Just bad timing.

I got to spend some nice quality time with N after work tonight as he and I were the only ones home. I think this was the first time he's ever voiced discontent about something. He was in the doorway bouncer and I started to take him out to put him in the bath. He cried! He didn't want to get out. (I have video of him enjoying it.) So I left him bounce for 15 more minutes and then he was ready to get in the bath. What a cutie!

Some more recent pics:



A wants some head shots so M took these of her:



And here is a photo that the mom who drove them to rehearsal sent me from her iPhone today to let me know they had arrived safely:


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