Lazy Saturday

Given that we had the freedom to leave the house today, we didn't take great advantage of it. We took the girls to a puppet show at Glen Echo – Rapunzel – which kinda sucked, and then ran some errands, during which Daddy and the girls stayed in the car. Not too exciting!

We had a nice visit this afternoon with Aunt Jan, who is in town for a party. We also made some sugar cookies (thank you Sarah and Rachel and Jon and Liz for the cookie mix and cookie cutters!) and banana bread.

So, we are lazy and doughy now. 🙂

Still dealing with snow and nowhere to park and long lines everywhere. Hopefully tomorrow we will be more active – maybe Wilson Pool, or a manicure. We are seeing Peter and the Wolf in the afternoon at the Kennedy Center.

Here is a photo of A at the puppet theater.


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