Leaving for Montana

I forgot something so sweet that happened the other day. In the morning, I went into the girls' room and snuggled with M in bed for a few minutes before school. Just the two of us. Before I got up from her bed, she looked and me and said, "Mommy, this is my favorite part of the day."

Tonight, I gave her a kiss on her belly before bed. She called to me a few minutes later and said, "Mommy, that kiss was my delight!" And then A said, "And the one you gave me was my delight!"

They are the sweetest and most adorable girls int he world.

Today was Tuesday. M had group speech therapy after school. A had P.E.. The girls had homework which they did after bath, and then they had leftover cupcakes as a reward for finishing their homework.

Nice, typical, uneventful day. Those are the good ones.

Tomorrow, I am going to Montana after work. My dear friend Amy had some serious surgery today and I am going out there to help her recover and help take care of her kids. The goal is for her not to lift a finger while I am there. I leave after work at 7PM tomorrow and I come home on Sunday. I am sad to leave the girls and Daddy for a few days, and I hate missing out on all that is happening here at home, but I feel that I am doing the right thing.

I will try to update from Montana but I may not until I get home.

PS. Aunt Ann - you were right! A picked the angel costume and M picked the gypsy.


a says:

M and A are exceptional girls — but you already know that. It’s so nice of you to help a sick friend. You are a friend indeed.
Aunt Ann

DebbieWager says:

Gayle: I predicted the same outfits for the girls that Aunt Ann did!

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