Lemonade and Mormons

Yesterday was the Holton Camp Carnival. I have a lot of photos and videos to share from Carnival, which I will do in the coming days. Here is what we saw (in order):

  • A's performance as Marguerite 2 (?) in a play about taking eggs from chickens;
  • M's Science Olympiad accomplishments: hot air balloon, egg drop, and potato chip in the mail
  • M's darkroom
  • M's silk-screening room and some of her designs
  • M's beautiful photos
  • A's pom-pom performance
  • A's Hollywood film production room and her commercial and fake news segment
  • Photos of the girls doing archery
  • M's silk-screened t-shirt
  • A's hip hop dance performance

Their shows and displays were fantastic and it was a lot of fun to see them. Grandma Sandy came as did me and Daddy, after he discovered a flat tire on his car at work. No fun.

Today was a fun day. In the morning, we took N to the splash playground at Livingston. A had a better time splashing around than he did, but he had fun until he got cranky. In the afternoon, the girls had a lemonade stand at Lafayette playfround with Natalie. They each made $15 and had a good itme. I stopped by and M was yelling "Lemonade and cookies! Fifty cents!" at every car that passed.

Tonight Daddy and I went to see The Book of Mormon. Grandma Sandy, Stu and Sarah babysat and did a great job – all went smoothly!

Some pics:

N in the chair we just moved to his room:


Lemonade stand:



Intermission at the Kennedy Center terrace:


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