Letter Mania

Another snow day! Imogene came so Daddy and I went to work, and the girls and N stayed home. Here is what they did:

  • Read – A is reading a Battle of the Books book and M started the next book club book, Masterpiece
  • Some spelling bee prep – thankfully the bee has been moved from tomorrow to next Tuesday
  • Practiced piano
  • Took showers
  • Some studying for M's social studies test on Friday (I helped her come up with some entertaining mnemonic devices)
  • Minecraft (A)
  • Kindle games (M)

Poor N doesn't like to take a nap when the girls are home. He just wants to hang out with them!

N LOVES letters. Loves them. Here is bathtime tonight:

And some pics from bath:

Photo 2 copy 2

Photo 1 copy 2

Photo 3 copy 2

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