
I didn't get a chance today to upload the pics from the de-licing or A's announcement, but I will do it tomorrow. Today was a successful day in that we got the girls to school with no lice in their hair, and believe that they are still clean tonight. Yay. We've been following the lice guy's instructions, and Imogene went through their hair tonight in sections and didn't find a single nit. So hopefully we are through the worst of everything!

Tonight was Chinese food and movie night. I dozed off and thought the girls were going to watch Home Alone, but they are instead watching some tweeny Disney movie called Prom. Oh well.

Tomorrow will hopefully be a mellow day. Grampy is coming home from the hospital, and the girls have haircuts and a birthday party. They have a babysitter tomorrow night – Sarah W's old friend Julia B. (who Lucky barked at the the whole night the last time she babysat – oops).

The week is done! Yay!

1 comment

Nancy Szanto says:

Use a blow dryer on the kids’ hair–and yours. The heat helps kills the nits.

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