
We are very proud of the girls. They climbed the Currituck Lighthouse, which has 214 steps and is 162 feet high. All the way up, and all the way down. Never asked to be picked up. They handled it much better than their claustrophobic and slightly acrophobic mother, whose neuroses were clearly heightened by the presence of her small daughters. I would not do that over again. But the girls seemed to take it in stride and even posed for photos at the top. Other highlights of the day: more jumping in the pool; beautiful weather; a 6:00 pm walk on the beach, with lots of jumping in the remains of a huge sandcastle left behind by others; ice cream at Timbuk2 after dinner; and bubbles on the deck.

Here’s the lighthouse we climbed:



rachel says:

hi aunt gayle. it’s me first day of school. im very excited

TLB says:

Urgent question: how long a nap do 214 steps buy?!

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