Live From Lake Chelan, It’s Sunday Night!

We are here at Lake Chelan. This is one of the most beautiful places I have been in the U.S. Lake Chelan is a deep lake about 3 hours due east of Seattle. It’s surrounded by dramatic mountains, and, in the summer, a deep blue sky. Very picturesque. It’s also got a cool western, frontier feel to it. We are definitely not on the east coast.

So… to recap:

We arrived in Seattle on Thursday. Flight went fine. Girls did great. Headed to the hotel in Kirkland and had a nap, and then had dinner at Aunt Deb’s. Olivia is talking up a storm and Benjamin is crawling and smiling and looks just like his big sister. Late night for those of us on east coast time, but we managed.

We woke up Friday to a typical gray Seattle morning. Met Grandma and Grandpa at the pancake place (M and A had chocolate chip pancakes, of course), then visited the Kirkland Public Library which Mommy had to check out. Borrowed two books which we’ve read over and over since then. Then we packed up, loaded the rented Hyundai Santa Fe, and drove out here to Chelan. It was a beautiful drive through the mountains – the girls wanted to know how we could keep going up, up and up. (So did I.)

Arrived here at our house, which is fine, and went out to dinner with the whole Feldman family minus Darrah and Jason.

Early wakeup on Saturday (6 AM – ugh). Then to farmer’s market, then to a "parade" (um, not), then a walk along the main drag in Chelan. Girls had a lot of fun playing hide and seek with Grandpa by the lake. Then lunch and grocery shopping then hello Darrah and Jason! Nap and swimming. Dinner with the family (hamburgers and hot dogs) and then… a real life rodeo. Very cool. The girls were mosty into it, though they didn’t like when the cowboys were bucked off the horses. Fun to be at a real rodeo with people who don’t think twice about spending their Saturday night there.

Today… a lovely petting zoo with goats, rabbits, pigs, llamas, horses, ponies, etc. Then home for lunch and a LOT of swimming after nap. Poor Daddy is sick with the same fever A had for the first 24 hours we were here. (And I fear M is getting it too.)

Tonight… another yummy family dinner. I contributed grilled polenta and zuchini (not on the same plate). M&A helped with the homemade ice cream.

The good: it’s great to see everyone, the pool is really warm, the girls are having fun, we seem to have free wireless.

The bad: this fever that everyone’s getting, the lake is apparently very cold, it’s very hot during the day (90s), we left our battery for the camera at home (VERY BAD), we made Buppie fedex us our wireless devices when we should have had her fedex us our camera battery, early morning wakeups.

Ok, I am getting very sleepy. It’s very quiet in this house and everyone is asleep. More in a day or two.

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