Llama Drama

Lots of drama in the house tonight. A wanted to use M’s pen, M wanted to show us every page of a 26 page book she made, A kept making mistakes in a list she was making. Rinse and repeat. Even M at one point said, “Sigh!” Lots of grand pronouncements about the unfairness of life.

Tonight we read a new book called Alfie the Apostrophe. The girls seemed to like it – good book for kids learning about punctuation.

Daddy comes home tomorrow from Malaysia.

Here are some more videos:

Girls dancing to “Ghostbusters” (this is a classic):

Hula-hooping to “Ghostbusters”:

1 comment

a says:

Thanks for the videos. My old computer doesn’t do well with videos, but eventually (it take a very long time) they come up. Some day I’ll get a faster computer — maybe. I love your blogs.
They make me feel so close to the whole wonderful family.
Aunt Ann

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