Longest Day Of The Year

This weekend has been rainy, so we've been at home a lot (for a change!) and getting stuff done. Today A gave Daddy a haircut and I tackled some home projects that have been nagging at me, including updating the kids' keepsake scrapbooks and N's homework binder for the year. Tonight the girls went to Maya's house for dinner – a BBQ celebrating her brother's graduation from GDS – and Daddy and N and I went OUT to dinner! Shocking. We ate outside at Blue 44.

A was paired with a girl from Irvine as her buddy for UCLA. (She is doing a different program from A.) A loved her immediately and now they are bonding over Spotify.

Also, here is the email we received from Lylah's father after A's first piano lesson:

First (and most importantly), Lylah had a blast. She was so excited to learn a couple of songs, and came downstairs from her room and immediately proudly told our au pair that she would teach her Heart and Soul.
From my vantage point (I was sitting in the room trying to work), you are awesome with kids, Alexa. And I was really impressed that you were able to do such a great job keeping Lylah engaged over Zoom. She’s very excited for her next lesson!
I don’t know if it would be possible for next week given the state of the world, but I wonder if you might know of a book that we can buy that you guys can work off of in the future. I think that the added structure could be good, as it will give her more of an idea on what to work on when she’s not on zoom, and it could also make teaching easier.
She has a few more clients she's talking to as well. Very exciting!

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