Longest Day of The Year? (A Week Later)

Today was a long and full day. The girls woke up early – 7 AM – with Lolly and came downstairs. I have to say, it was not a long night of sleep. Daddy woke up and made waffles for everyone. Then Lolly's dad came to pick her up around 9, and that was the end of M & A's first sleepover. I think it was a success.

After Lolly left, I took the girls to a yard sale at my friend Matt's house, where his daughters were selling a lot of the toys they played with when they were M & A's age. M&A got a lot of great things there = board games, puzzles, a Groovy Girls stage, etc. We were all happy to see new life being breathed into these toys.

Next we went to Turtle Park, where some friends with 2 1/2 year old twin girls met us. Their daughters are so cute – it's hard to remember what life was like at that stage. I imparted the usual twin parent advice – "it gets so much easier" – as they headed home for their kids' afternoon nap (hard to remember when M & A took naps!).

M wanted pizza, so next stop was Comet Ping Pong Pizza. WHile we were waiting, and after we ate, M & A & I played with a new ballerina card game they got from Matt and Ellen's garage sale.

When we got home, M promptly fell asleep on a chair – she was just beat. I took a little mani/pedi break and A fell asleep too.

Tonight, we all had Japanese food and then went to something special – opening night for Imagination Stage's "Lyle the Crocodile". We got to go backstage afterwards and see the sets, the costume room, the control booth – the whole production. Then some of the actors were at a reception in the theatre lobby, which the girls enjoyed.

Fun day… but boy am I beat.

1 comment

a says:

It was a busy but fun day for all of you. I’m glad M and A’s first sleepover was successful. You will be very lonely when M and A are invited to a sleepover at a girlfriend’s house. It’s an empty feeling when the children are away, and you will be doubly glad to have them home again.
Aunt Ann

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