Looong Day

Today was a long, but productive day. We went to ballet, then headed out for a bunch of summer clothes shopping at the mall. We got some sandals, some "sneakers", and a whole summer wardrobe at Old Navy (most of it was on sale, plus I got 20% off, so it was all $150). We were at the mall for almost 4 hours, but it was fun – we had lunch there, played on the little playground, returned some stuff, and poked in and out of a few stores.

On the way home, we decided to stop by my office. The girls ahdn't been there before, and there are a lot of fun things to see – the dinosaur and ball sculpture in the lobby, the huge stuffed lion on my floor, my office (complete with Cake Boss photo and lots and lots of artwork/photos of the girls). The girls left a nice note for Christina, had a ginger ale, and we headed home.

Here are some pics from the day.

The notes for Christina:



The haul from Old Navy. (Note: M is in the photo but A set up all the outfits.)



Finally, the girls and I came to a mutual agreement about their birthday cupcakes. Instead of the slumber party cupcakes I featured a few days ago, I think we are going to make a tiered birthday cake-of-cupcakes instead. I ordered special cupcake liners tonight. Am also looking into a face-painter for the party.

Signing off…


1 comment

a says:

All the photos are lovely. It’s so cute that the girls left notes and pictures for Christina. The new clothes look great. I’m sure the girls will look adorable in them. What a great idea for a birthday cake (or should I say cupcake cake). And a face-painter sounds like fun for all.
Aunt Ann

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