Lots Going On!

It is starting to get hard to keep up with all of the things we have to do every day in this house. Here's what I mean…

  • Most days the girls bring home homework – usually a few sheets of math, reading, or spelling exercises.
  • In addition to homework, A has to read to herself for 15 minutes a day and complete a reading log, and M has to read out loud to a parent for 10 minutes a day and complete a reading log. A is currently reading the second Emily Windsnap book, having finished the first last week. M is reading to me from a book called Signed by: Zelda, and she has also read out loud to me and Daddy from the newspaper and from the Piggy and Bunny blog book.
  • M is the "star of the week" in 3 weeks and needs to bring in a poster made up of things that represent her.
  • Both girls have book reports due at the end of every month. October's book is non-fiction. We haven't picked out books yet – we may do it after school on Friday.
  • Both girls have to practice the piano every day.
  • Both girls are supposed to do 5 minutes a night of Hebrew homework, both in a workbook and online. This hasn't been happening with any frequency.
  • Ballet on Tuesdays.
  • Piano lessons on Wednesdays.
  • Notebusters (A) on Thursdays.
  • Guitar Ensemble (M) on Mondays and Wednesdays.
  • Ballet on Saturday AMs.
  • Baseball on Saturday afternoons.
  • Sunday School on Sunday mornings.
  • Baseball games on Sunday afternoons.
  • AND… Nutcracker rehearsals will kick in in a week and a half.

There is a LOT going on!

Oh, and there's also a very cute 3 month-old baby in the mix. Videos of him to come tomorrow.

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